AI Challenges
STATUS: If status is - closed; challenge has not yet begun, - ongoing; challenge is currently accepting submission, - end; challenge has ended
END DATE: When the competition will close (final winner). New students may still enter a response and will earn completion points.
LEVEL: Depending on the difficulty of the competition students who submitted code in the time frame will earn more points.
# OF REGISTRATIONS: The number of people who have registered for this competition.
Occasionally, new challenges will be posted on this site with their start and end date. Anyone in grades 6-12 can participate in any/or all of these mini competitions. Some challenges are more complex than other, so in the corner of each competition you will see a tag indicating the difficulty level. When the end date passes, the winner will be posted shortly as well as our solution to the problem. There will be a leaderboard constantly available to help keep track of the scores. Every submission will soon be posted on the leaderboard standings. The higher or better your model/program is in terms of accuracy or F1 score, the higher you will climb on the leaderboard. Please keep in mind that it may take 1-2 days for the leaderboard to be updated once you submit. You may also submit your code as many times as you like, allowing you to get higher accuracies and update your position on the leaderboard. Furthermore, you can work in teams of up to 4 people total, yourself included. Please keep in mind that if you do this you must mention it somewhere on the registration form, also linked below. Remember to register if you plan on participating. Using our resources, research the problem, find a solution, write the code, and create the best performance algorithm! Once you have completed the challenge remember to submit it through the submission form. ALL CODE SHOULD BE IN PYTHON.